Using kratom responsibly – Tips for new users

Kratom has seen a surge in popularity in recent years for its ability to boost energy, lift mood, relieve pain, and ease opioid withdrawal. By educating yourself and using kratom carefully, these dangers are easily minimized or avoided altogether. 

Start low and go slow

As eager as you may be to experience everything kratom has to offer, it’s vital to exercise patience and self-control from your very first dose. You always take more, but you can’t undo taking too much. Start low to learn your ideal dosage and work upwards cautiously:

  • Measure 1-2 grams your first time using plain leaf kratom powder. 
  • Consider 0.5 grams of your initial dose if using enhanced products or extracts. Their processing makes them much more potent by weight.
  • Document effects and slowly add 0.5 grams each subsequent use until desired effects are reached without side effects. 

Once your “sweet spot” is found for plain leaf or any given product, avoid the temptation to take increasingly more. More kratom does not always mean better effects. Stick to your ideal serving and adjust no more than 0.5 grams up or down periodically to account for shifting tolerance.

Maintain adequate hydration

Kratom functions in part by binding to internal opioid receptors. Ensure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after using kratom to counteract this effect. Electrolyte drinks replenish lost nutrients even better. And be sure to consume sufficient water between uses as well, not just right around dosing. Proper hydration minimizes risks like headaches, constipation, and grogginess that occur if dehydrated.

Take regular breaks

Frequent or heavy kratom use quickly leads to building up a tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects. It’s wise to limit kratom usage to no more than a few times per week, allowing at least a couple of days off in between sessions. You also structure your intake around weekdays only, avoiding use on weekends to allow a more extended break. During time off from kratom, be sure to stay well hydrated, eat nutritious foods, exercise, and get good sleep. This will optimize your body and brain’s ability to reset tolerance so effects remain stable.

Get bloodwork checked  

While rare, there is a possibility of liver or thyroid issues arising in some long-term kratom users. It is wise to establish a baseline blood panel before you begin using kratom routinely. Follow up with laboratory testing at least annually, even if feeling healthy. Key markers to monitor are liver enzymes, kidney function, testosterone, thyroid hormones, and complete blood cell counts. Address any concerning changes with your doctor promptly.

Consider counseling

does kratom get you high? For some, kratom use becomes a psychological crutch that delays addressing deeper personal issues. Be self-reflective during and between kratom sessions. If difficult emotions, trauma, or other mental troubles persist despite enjoying kratom, don’t ignore them. Consider speaking to a counselor or therapist if your use becomes less about recreation and more about self-medication. Working through core issues leads to genuine healing and a healthier relationship with kratom long-term. Employing wisdom and self-discipline will allow you to use kratom responsibly so that it remains an ally for health and enjoyment for years to come.

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